Der Verlorene Vater – Ein philosophisches Musikdrama frei nach F. Dostojewski
„Es ist an mir, mich zu erschießen, weil der Angelpunkt des Selbstwillens darin besteht – sich selber zu töten.“ * Fjodor Dostojewskis berühmter Text „Der Großinquisitor“ dient als Stoff für eine mikrotonale Kammeroper in sechs Szenen. In der Bearbeitung “Der Verlorene Vater” verwandelt sich Jesus in den...
Birth of a Tree
Performance / Musical Theater
Our accelerated growth is depleting the planet’s resources. Other futures are possible. Their condition rests on the effort of each one to branch off, to get out of the average behavior. To marry solar resources, the new branch of the tree takes the tangent. The tree is an ecological model of society whose development is based on novelty and singularity.
Birth of a Tree is an enhanced musical theater performance taking the bifurcation as leitmotif. Open artwork, its structure borrows its complexity from the silhouette of a tree whose branches are as many possible musical ramifications.